As our beta launch nears closer to something users can test. We want to give some details on how certain users can actually get guaranteed access to the beta. As it stands, we will be giving out 100 access tokens to the beta for feedback and input during the beta testing period which is mostly distributed randomly to UNIDX holders. However, to incentive liquidity for our token we have provided a system for those that provide liquidity to then get beta access.
In exchange for providing 1 ETH worth of liquidity in the UNIDX/ETH pool ( 1 ETH and 1 ETH of UNIDX ), users can then get beta access on a first come first serve basis. This liquidity will have to be pooled for at least one week and a snapshot will be taken along with users TXID they provide to us in order to prove they contributed. If these conditions are met then these users will be the first to test out the platform the entire testing period until the final launch. Below will be a google form link that users can fill out and send us the details mentioned above.
Stay tuned for more news to come including team members, sneak peaks, and progress updates on the UniDex platform. We’re proud to be building a place by traders, with traders, and for traders.